Legal Notice
General conditions of use of website
In Santiago de Compostela, on 6 February 2018 is the Web platform, owned by KACHET LOXÍSTICA S.A registered in Commercial Register of A Coruña, volume 1311, sheet 81, page C-8107, with tax identity A-15422892 and registered office in Vía Edison 19E- Polígono do Tambre -Santiago de Compostela - 15890 - A Coruña. The contact phone number is 981 571 322 and e-mail for communication purposes:
Kachet Loxística, S.A. makes available the general conditions that regulate access, use, navigation, registration – where approriate – the download and use of information, texts, images and other content accessible on the website
Therefore, whoever accesses the aforementioned website (“user”) must carefully read both these conditions and those of a particular nature which are available when accessing the rental e-commerce, accepting submission without reservation to them. If you do not agree with any of the conditions established here, you should not use them. All services to which Kachet Loxística, S.A. refers in are not directed to minors under 18, thus the user who accessed declares that he is of legal age and with capacity to contract, in case he makes use of the rental e-commerce.
Kachet Loxística, S.A. reserves its right to modify these conditions at any time, therefore, the latest version will appear published on the website. In the case of registered users, it is possible that such modification will be communicated by e-mail to the e-mail address the user has provided.
The purpose of these “general conditions” is to regulate access, navigation and use of the website but, independently of them, KACHET LOXÍSTICA S.A. establishes specific conditons that regulate the use and/or contracting of concrete services offered to Users through the web.
Users access to a is open and free, however, some of the services offered may be subject to contracting.
User committes not to use the website and its services to carry out activities contrary to the law, nor to illigally obtain data from other users, violate the security or protection measures inherent to the website or perform actions that cause unnecessary saturation of the platform.
If user finds content or information on that may not be adequate or contrary to the regulations, please inform us about it by any of the communication media referred to in it. provides access to information, services or data (hereunder “the contents”) through Internet and belonging to the company that owns the website. User agrees to make proper use of the content and services offered by Kachet through its portal, including but not limited to use them for (i) engaging in illicit, illegal or contrary to good faith and public order activities; (ii) disseminating contents or propaganda of a racist, xenophobic, pornographic-illegal nature, supports terrorism or which constitutes an attack on human rights (iii) causing damage to the physical and logical systems of the company, its suppliers or third parties, introducing or spreading computer viruses or any other physical or logical systems likely to cause the abovementioned damage; (iv) trying to access and, where appropriate, use the e-mail accounts of other users, or modify or manipulate their messages.
The intellectual and industrial property rights correspond exclusively to the owner of and reserves the right to update, modify or delete the information contained in its website and may even limit or deny access to that information. In addition, reserves all rights to the images, texts, brands, logos as well as any other information, content or service available through it.
In accordance with articles 8 y 32.1, second paragraph, of the Intellectual Copyright Act, it is expressely forbidden to reproduce, distribute and publicly communicate, including the simple act of making available, whether in whole or in part, the content of these website pages for commercial purposes, on any support and by any means technically available, without the authorisation of the company. The user understakes to respect the intellectual and industrial property rights of Kachet. He can view the items of the website and even print, copy and store them in her computer hard drive or other physical medium provided that it is purely and exclusively for his personal and private use. The user must not remove, alter, elude or manipulate a protection device or security system installed in WEB site of Kachet Loxística, S.A.
The user acknowledges these rights of intellectual and industrial property on the contents as a testing mechanism against unauthorized third parties usurpations. The owner declares through these warnings the reservation of intellectual and industrial property rights of website contents against possible use by third parties.
The holder of is not responsible of the information and other content integrated in spaces and web sites of third parties accessible from, through links or hyperlinks to the website or the information and content of any third party website under the appearance or distinctive signs of the company, unless expressly authorized by the latter. The owner of the domain is not responsible for the veracy of the content or damage to any information that is not his own. Under no circunstances, he is responsible for the data and damages of any nature that could cause, but not limited to, error or omission in the content or lack of availability . Besides, he does not guarantee continuous access or correct visualization and utility of the elements and information contained in the pages of our website for they can be handicapped, hindered or interrupted by factors outside their control. It is prohibited to establish frames that allow the display of their content through Internet addresses other than their own portal in the way they can produce error or deception to the user over services or contents, suppose a comparison or imitation, or an advantage of the reputation of the website owner.
Through the user can have access to applications or web through links and to social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc. with the sole objective of providing access to those platforms. However, all the information that the user provides on those platforms will be under his own responsability.
At all times, the owner of will collaborate with the competent authorities against possible illegal or harmful actions that have been carried out by third parties in bad faith and/or cause damages in our web. In any case, the guarantees, rules and procedures provided in the legal system will be respected in order to protect the rights to personal and family privacy, the protection of personal data and the freedom of expression and information, when these could result affected. Additionally, the owner reserves the right to deny or withdraw access to the web and/or the services offered with no forewarning, at its own request or that of a third party, to users who fail to meet the current General Conditions of Use.
The hereby conditions are written in Spanish and subject to the current Spanish legislation and any controversy will be submitted to the courts and tribunals of the city of Santiago de Compostela, expressly waiving any other jurisdiction they may apply.